Work With Elaine
Elaine can provide lecture series and single event presentations, focusing on a range of themes including but not limited to:
Healing the Wounds of Christendom in this New Era
Healing the Wounds of Racism and all the other Isms
God is Not Bound
The Healing Practice of Celebration in Troubled Times
Trauma Informed Spiritual Leadership
Trauma Informed New Community Development
Developing Spiritual Community in Your Neighborhood
Christian Mysticism and Prophetic Action
Antiracist Faith Community Development
Elaine preaches across the nation and around the world, offering words of healing, hope, and challenge to the church.
Retreat Leader
Elaine can provide retreat leadership in an already designed retreat, and can design and lead a customized retreat or series of retreats for your large, midsized, or small group. For example:
She frequently teaches in The Academy for Spiritual Formation on spiritual leadership, discernment, and decolonizing practices of faith sharing
She leads customized retreats for clergy and laypeople on a range of topics
She leads healing retreats with her sister who is a therapist, Jeanine B. Heath-McGlinn, LPC, focused on themes in their book, Loving the Hell Out of Ourselves
Elaine has served as a consultant to: ​
Institutions of higher education toward reimagining theological education for a missional church
Many lay, clergy, and judicatory leaders to reimagine the future of their church and to put into practice a process to guide congregational leaders to show up, pay attention, cooperate with God, and release the outcome