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Work With Elaine

Elaine A Heath | Speaker


 Elaine can provide lecture series and single event presentations, focusing on a range of themes including but not limited to:


  • Healing the Wounds of Christendom in this New Era

  • Healing the Wounds of Racism and all the other Isms

  • God is Not Bound

  • The Healing Practice of Celebration in Troubled Times

  • Trauma Informed Spiritual Leadership

  • Trauma Informed New Community Development

  • Developing Spiritual Community in Your Neighborhood

  • Christian Mysticism and Prophetic Action

  • Antiracist Faith Community Development


Elaine preaches across the nation and around the world, offering words of healing, hope, and challenge to the church.



Elaine A. Heath | Retreat Leader

Retreat Leader

Elaine can provide retreat leadership in an already designed retreat, and can design and lead a customized retreat or series of retreats for your large, midsized, or small group.  For example:


  • She frequently teaches in The Academy for Spiritual Formation on spiritual leadership, discernment, and decolonizing practices of faith sharing


  • She leads customized retreats for clergy and laypeople on a range of topics


  • She leads healing retreats with her sister who is a therapist, Jeanine B. Heath-McGlinn, LPC, focused on themes in their book, Loving the Hell Out of Ourselves


Elaine has served as a consultant to: â€‹


  • Institutions of higher education toward reimagining theological education for a missional church



  • Many lay, clergy, and judicatory leaders to reimagine the future of their church and to put into practice a process to guide congregational leaders to show up, pay attention, cooperate with God, and release the outcome

Elaine A. Heath | Consultant
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